Important notice
Good day,
With this message I’m sorry to inform you the main board of the Kootje Foundation has decided to put all activities of the foundation on hold.
As for now this means no applications can be submitted. As soon as the foundation will return to her duties this message will be erased.
Here you will find a statement of the income and expenses of Kootjes activities in the last three years.
With kind regards on behalf of the board, Carina Bolkenstein-Bast Kootje Foundation
Kootje helps because without help there is nothing
Kootje was the name I gave to a little man who was the hero in stories I spontaneously told to my children at bedtime. Popping out of nowhere, with his special backpack from which he produced the right remedy for the situation, Kootje rescued many a poor unfortunate.
Knowing that when the tension would become unbearable and that my children would “dash in” to help with ideas of their own, I allowed situations to deteriorate to the point where it seemed impossible that Kootje could succeed. The ideas they offered Kootje to bring the tale to a happy end, were wonderful and surprising. Today the spirit of this little man lives on in the Kootje Foundation.
The Kootje logo consists of our family coat of arms and the motto ‘sine ope nihil’ by which I wish to express that Kootje will always dare to do the thing that needs to be done.
Bert Bolkenstein – Founder